Why are synonyms important?

What is a synonym? Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, for example, a synonym for “happy” is “elated”. It also means the same as the given word. It comes from the Greek “syn” and “onym,” which mean “together” and “name,” respectively. When speaking or writing,…

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  When you’re first starting to consider working from home permanently—or even traveling for an undetermined amount of time and need a flexible job—it can be intimidating. Just like most things, even the process of job search has evolved tremendously. Earlier, job searching was done just to find suitable jobs. But now, it is more…

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The Art of Subtitling

Today, communication through audiovisual media is stronger than ever. To keep up with the latest work opportunities, many translators have chosen to break into this yet-very-young translation field, without being truly prepared. For those of you who are curious about the process that makes it possible for us to understand and appreciate a foreign movie effortlessly,…

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The Origin of Languages

Theories of the origin of language are first discussed from a linguistic point of view in secular writing. Evolution had less effect on linguistics than on other social sciences, yet history shows that secondary effects were felt.  According to a study done by Dr. Quentin Atkinson, every language in the world has evolved from a prehistoric…

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What is Organic Search Traffic?

Organic traffic is unpaid search traffic used to describe visits that land on your website. Organic traffic does not come through paid ads to bring visitors on site but through the organic search results. Organic traffic sources include search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Why Is Organic Traffic Important? Organic traffic is important because…

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