Localization testing

If you do decide to localize, you should be familiar with the scope and purpose of localization testing. Localizers translate the product UI and sometimes change some initial settings to adapt the product to a particular local market. This definitely reduces the “world-readiness” of the application.   What is Localization Testing? Localization Testing is a…

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Why do you need a localization team?

Localization is a team effort. From translators and editors to project managers and developers, it’s a necessity for companies who want to survive in a global marketplace. The better the team can work together, the faster and of higher quality are the translations.  Why your localization needs a localization team? A localization team is an essential…

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Social Media Marketing

While social media continues to be one of the best marketing channels, it’s important to understand exactly how it’s changing in order to leverage it properly. Before we look at how social media has changed marketing, we first need to explore the world of marketing as it was before the inception of social media. Digital…

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How to market your language services?

Humans have always moved around. And as long as there have been trading and business, there has been multilingual communication. The language service industry is a business activity that helps others to communicate across linguistic and cultural barriers. In recent times, the need for language services has grown rapidly because of the internet, globalization of business,…

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Why are synonyms important?

What is a synonym? Synonym: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, for example, a synonym for “happy” is “elated”. It also means the same as the given word. It comes from the Greek “syn” and “onym,” which mean “together” and “name,” respectively. When speaking or writing,…

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  When you’re first starting to consider working from home permanently—or even traveling for an undetermined amount of time and need a flexible job—it can be intimidating. Just like most things, even the process of job search has evolved tremendously. Earlier, job searching was done just to find suitable jobs. But now, it is more…

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